Globevisa CEO Henry interviewed by CNA

Henry Interview

Sept. 20th, 2023–Globevisa Group, the largest immigration company in the world, was interviewed today by CNA today. Our CEO Henry Fan shared his very inspiring and touching story about his family and how Globevisa is helping clients from all over the world to become a global citizen.

Globevisa Singapore on local education system with Mind Stretcher

Mind Stretcher

For most families who freshly move to a new country, education paths always comes up as one of the most important choice. There is a range of questions in the parents’ mind, where should we study for the best education, local school or international school? What are the different criteria for school admission? Can my children pass the admission tests for new school? Hannah Ma, Globevisa Singapore General Manager, has interviewed Mr. Lim, Head of Academic Strategy of Mind Stretcher in Singapore, to answer the most popular questions for newly arrived immigrant families.